
Wednesday, 6 October 2010

Structure in scenario creation or what will work for me.

Following some of my gaming related feeds I landed on this blog post about structuring gaming scenarios / sessions.

I am in the process of building up a campaign for both Mongoose Traveller (MGT) and Mongoose RuneQuest II (MRQ II), and I need to find a way of building scenarios that work for me.
The basic premises for both campaigns will be an alternation between the two settings in a tv-series season way. Both setting will have a number of scenarios (episodes) linked into a greater arc (season).
Working on what is the pilot episode for the MGT season, I'm trying out a couple of ideas that I have found around the internet on how to organize and build scenarios and campaigns to gain a bit of structure and ease in the creative process.

I do like some ideas that I have come across lately regarding non-sequencial timing in scenarios (big fight ends and then "..this happened 5 days before the fight") and "the 5x5 method" and now the three elements design ideas.
I'm thinking of using perhaps a few less elements/encounters/scenes for the pilot episode of the MGT season 1.

Do you have any good inputs, put them down in the comments.